
How to help Gaticão Association

By helping Gaticão Association you are helping guaranteeing the well-being of the pets until we find a family that they will make even happier.

Our actions allow all abandoned animals to be well cared and entitled not only to food, water and health care but also a lot of love. It also results in less than approximately 300 abandoned and mistreated stray dogs in the street of Vagos.

This is, therefore, a mission for all for a better society. Will you join us?

Digital Gift

Through our digital gifts, help us respond to the specific needs of the abandoned animals. It's really easy and you don't even have to leave your couch. You can contribute with food, cleaning products, medicine or even veterinarian care.

Do you want to become a Friend of Gaticão?

A Friend of Gaticão is a membership program that allows for either an annual, one-off or renewable contribution for all activities of the association.

Make a Donation.

Help at your own tailoring!

Like our animals are different, the possibilities of supporting the association are also varied. 

1€, 5€, 20€, 50€? 1 time per year, every trimester, every month or whenever you feel like it?

This is the most flexible way of helping these abandoned animals. They will be forever grateful.

Currently, for the one-off support, you may do so by bank transfer or PayPal.

Bank Transfer

IBAN: PT50 0010 0000 3556 7640 0019 4

Fund-Raising (Food)

At Shopping Aveiro Center, there is a permanent fundraising for food.

In order to deliver the food, all you need to do is leave it in one of the identified shopping carts, near Mayoral or Burger King.

Soft food is our pet's favorite, specially for our old timers which have some difficulties eating kibble.

Become a Volunteer

Do you have spare time and a lot of love to give to pets?

If what we give them is unmeasurable, what they give back is incalculable!

Do you know all about us and what we do?

Then join our team of volunteers!

Eu gostava de contar com a sua ajuda

Todos os dias somos gratos por sermos bem tratados. Felizmente, temos pessoas que cuidam de nós mas precisamos sempre de comida, cuidados veterinários e fundos monetários para melhorar as nossas condições de vida.

Conto consigo!